Selection Interview
*Submit on Canvas under ‘Assignments’ Tab within ‘Weekly Assignment’ Group
**Answer the questions on a blank page of this document. Keep the requirements in mind (.5 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, 1” margins, not including title page or references).
Student ID:
Watch the Office video (13 min; and choose one scene to answer the following questions
- Scene 1
- Briefly describe the scene and include the time of the clip (e.g., 3:45-4:10)
- What was the purpose of the interview?
- Did they use structured or unstructured interviews? (p. 446-448, Gatewood 8th edition)
- What dimensions of structure did they use?
- What dimensions of structure could they have added?
- What were the interview questions measuring? (examples on p. 443, Gatewood 8th edition)
- How reliable is the interview?
- How valid is the interview? What work outcomes would the interview predict?
- What factors might have influenced interviewer decision making?
- What would you recommend to the interviewer to improve the interview?
Selection Interview
*Submit on Canvas under ‘Assignments’ Tab within ‘Weekly Assignment’ Group
**Answer the questions on a blank page of this document. Keep the requirements in mind (.5 pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, 1” margins, not including title page or references).
Student ID:
Watch the Office video (13 min; and choose one scene to answer the following questions
- Scene 1
- Briefly describe the scene and include the time of the clip (e.g., 3:45-4:10)
- What was the purpose of the interview?
- Did they use structured or unstructured interviews? (p. 446-448, Gatewood 8th edition)
- What dimensions of structure did they use?
- What dimensions of structure could they have added?
- What were the interview questions measuring? (examples on p. 443, Gatewood 8th edition)
- How reliable is the interview?
- How valid is the interview? What work outcomes would the interview predict?
- What factors might have influenced interviewer decision making?
- What would you recommend to the interviewer to improve the interview?