• Review the Learning Resources and the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question video and consider the basic guidelines for qualitative research design.
  • Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found in this week’s Learning Resources and search for a qualitative research article. (Note: This article should be the research article you are using for your Major Assignment 1.)
  • Review the qualitative research article you found and identify each of the components of the research design and consider what is present and what is missing.
  • Identify what the authors did to document positionality, reflexivity, and bias.

Transform your notes from your preparation work into three paragraphs and post the following:

  • A brief statement of the purpose and primary research question the article addresses
  • An assessment of how thoroughly the research design was presented, including what was missing
  • An assessment of the extent of the researcher’s presentation of positionality, reflexivity, and bias

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods

  • Review the Learning Resources and the Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods: Developing a Qualitative Research Question video and consider the basic guidelines for qualitative research design.
  • Use the Course Guide and Assignment Help found in this week’s Learning Resources and search for a qualitative research article. (Note: This article should be the research article you are using for your Major Assignment 1.)
  • Review the qualitative research article you found and identify each of the components of the research design and consider what is present and what is missing.
  • Identify what the authors did to document positionality, reflexivity, and bias.

Transform your notes from your preparation work into three paragraphs and post the following:

  • A brief statement of the purpose and primary research question the article addresses
  • An assessment of how thoroughly the research design was presented, including what was missing
  • An assessment of the extent of the researcher’s presentation of positionality reflexivity and bias

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

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