Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Grid Template. Be sure to address the following:

• Select A Bill That Has Been Proposed (Not One That Has Been Enacted) Using The Congressional Websites Provided In The Learning Resources.

proposed health related bill

Step 1: Select a Proposed Health-Related Bill

Visit the official congressional websites, such as or, to find a proposed bill related to health care.

Step 2: Search for a Proposed Bill

  1. Go to
  2. In the search bar, type keywords related to health care (e.g., “health care,” “mental health,” “public health”).
  3. Use the filters to select “Bills” and “Introduced” to ensure you find proposed legislation.

Step 3: Select a Specific Bill

For this example, let’s select a hypothetical proposed bill: “H.R.1234 – Mental Health Improvement Act of 2024.”

Step 4: Complete the Legislation Grid Template

Now, use the information from the selected bill to fill out the Legislation Grid Template. Here is an example of how you might complete it:

Legislation Grid Template

Bill Title: H.R.1234 – Mental Health Improvement Act of 2024

Bill Number: H.R.1234

Description: This bill aims to improve mental health services by increasing funding for mental health programs, expanding access to mental health care, and integrating mental health services into primary care settings.

Federal or State? Federal

Legislative Intent: The intent of this bill is to enhance mental health care accessibility and quality by providing additional resources and support for mental health services. It seeks to address the growing mental health crisis by ensuring that more individuals can receive timely and effective mental health care.


  • Mental Health Advocacy Groups
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Patient Advocacy Organizations
  • Some Members of Congress


  • Budget-Conscious Lawmakers
  • Some Insurance Companies
  • Certain Taxpayer Associations

Target Population:

  • Individuals with mental health disorders
  • Families of those affected by mental health issues
  • Healthcare providers

Status of the Bill: Introduced in the House of Representatives and currently under review by the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

General Notes/Comments: This bill has garnered significant attention from both supporters and opponents. Proponents argue that it is a necessary step to address the mental health crisis, while opponents express concerns about the financial implications and potential burden on taxpayers.

Step 5: Review and Submit

Ensure that all sections of the Legislation Grid Template are completed accurately. Review the information for clarity and correctness before submission.

Additional Resources

You may want to include references to official congressional websites or other reputable sources to support the information provided in the template.

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