This week w will see what it is like to participate in non-experimental research. Please use your Chapter 8 and Supplemental Lecture material to help you with this. Select one of two of the following observational videos: Focused Observations Chapter 8 Video 18dInfant Community- Parent/Teacher Observation

Conduct your own non-experimental observational study based on the videos.  Decide what you will be observing in the video (will you look at interaction? Movement? or eye contact? There are many choices).Observe and report the behavior in two ways: quantitative and qualitative.

Here is an example of the coding process:  Submit the following: Quantitative

  1. Describe what you are observing.  (The video plus what it includes and what behaviors you selected to code/observe.)
  2. Report the Procedure. Explain exactly what and how you set up the coding. How did you quantify the behavior?
  3. Summarize your findings in a quantitative manner.  You do not need to run statistical analyses, but the way you report the information should be consistent with quantitative research.
  4. Include your recording sheet (where you wrote down the behaviors).


  1. Describe what you are observing.  (The video plus what it includes and what you selected to observe.)
  2. Report the Procedure. Explain exactly how you are observing this. What type of information are you interested in? What is your behavioral category?
  3. Summarize your findings in a qualitative manner. The way you report the information should be consistent with qualitative research.
  4. Include your recording sheet.

non-experimental research

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