You will prepare an annotated bibliography of three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources to enhance your knowledge base related to selected course competencies and that is informed by your self-reflection and professor feedback. The resources must be current, published within the past 3-5 years. Each annotated bibliography should be no less than three robust paragraphs. Use feedback from your professor to identify scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that can help you improve in the areas noted (e.g., assignment enhancement, personal and/or professional growth, the topic of further interest prompted by the course content).

Use the annotated bibliography guide from Academic Success Center (ASC)* to ensure that your annotated bibliography meets all requirements.

*Note: For this assignment, each annotated bibliography should be no less than three robust paragraph

Assignment Requirements 

Submit your assignment in one single document with two parts: Part 1 will be your self-reflection using the Feedback Review Template and Part 2 will be your annotated bibliography.

To complete this assignment successfully, you must include:

  • Title page
  • Part 1: Based on the completion of your Feedback Review Template, provide a self-reflection summary on how this course contributed to your professional growth and your understanding of future trends and/or challenges related to your profession (2 pages minimum)
  • Include your Feedback Review Template.
  • Part 2: An APA-formatted annotated bibliography of 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources addressing any one or all of the following areas:
    • Enhancement of the Assignment
    • Personal/Professional Growth and Development
    • The topic of interest for further investigation based on course content
  • References (additional to the annotated bibliography)

annotated bibliography of three scholarly

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