Nearly as many restaurants in existence are the same as how many variants of a service culture there are. We will explore this to set the stage for the discussion next week.

An important aspect of identifying standards used to appraise performance is identifying and understanding the norms and values of the organizational culture you want to cultivate and sustain. An operation focused on speed and efficiency might have a different culture than an operation focused on social interaction and quality. There might be some overlap in expectations related to hospitality, but the steps of service and critical failures might be different.

For your extra credit discussion this week, you will discuss the culture of your food service operation. Identify and explain the norms and values of your operation and how they will express and sustain the desired culture. What will make the operation unique and yours?

For full credit, your discussion must address one aspect of human resources and one aspect of performance management, which can be policies or strategies.

  • Human Resources would be anything cultivating culture or conveying acceptable behaviors and actions within the organizational culture.
  • Performance Management would be anything related to monitoring and adjusting demonstrated behaviors and actions to fit within the organizational culture or align with organizational goals.

culture of your food service operation

Nearly as many restaurants in existence are the same as how many variants of a service culture there are. We will explore this to set the stage for the discussion next week.

An important aspect of identifying standards used to appraise performance is identifying and understanding the norms and values of the organizational culture you want to cultivate and sustain. An operation focused on speed and efficiency might have a different culture than an operation focused on social interaction and quality. There might be some overlap in expectations related to hospitality, but the steps of service and critical failures might be different.

For your extra credit discussion this week, you will discuss the culture of your food service operation. Identify and explain the norms and values of your operation and how they will express and sustain the desired culture. What will make the operation unique and yours?

For full credit, your discussion must address one aspect of human resources and one aspect of performance management, which can be policies or strategies.

  • Human Resources would be anything cultivating culture or conveying acceptable behaviors and actions within the organizational culture.
  • Performance Management would be anything related to monitoring and adjusting demonstrated behaviors and actions to fit within the organizational culture or align with organizational goals.

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