When you notice your mood getting worse, ask yourself, “What’s going through my mind right now?” As soon as possible, fill in the table below.
Time Situation Automatic Thoughts (ATs) Emotion/s Adaptive Response Outcome
• What led to the unpleasant emotion?
• What distressing physical sensations did you have?
• What thought/s or image/s went through your mind?
• How much did you believe the thought at the time (0-100%)?
• What emotion/s did you feel at the time?
• How intense was the emotion (0-100%)?
• Which thinking styles did you engage in?
• Use questions below to respond to the automatic thoughts/s.
• How much do you believe each response (0-100%)?
• How much do you now believe your
ATs (0-100%)?
• What emotion/s do you now feel? At what intensity?
Questions to compose an Adaptive Response:

(1) What is the evidence that the automatic thought is true? Not true?

(2) Is there an alternative explanation?

(3) What’s the worst that could happen? What’s the best that could happen? What’s the most realistic outcome?

(4) If a friend were in this situation and had this thought, what would I tell him/her?


Date Time Situation Automatic Thoughts (ATs) Belief in ATs (0-100%) Emotion(s) Emotion Intensity (0-100%) Thinking Styles Adaptive Response Belief in Response (0-100%) Belief in ATs Now (0-100%) Emotion(s) Now Emotion Intensity Now (0-100%) Outcome

Example Entry

Date Time Situation Automatic Thoughts (ATs) Belief in ATs (0-100%) Emotion(s) Emotion Intensity (0-100%) Thinking Styles Adaptive Response Belief in Response (0-100%) Belief in ATs Now (0-100%) Emotion(s) Now Emotion Intensity Now (0-100%) Outcome
2024-05-28 10:00 AM Meeting with boss, received critical feedback “I’m not good enough at my job.” “I’ll never improve.” 90% Sad, Anxious 85% Catastrophizing, Overgeneralizing “I have received positive feedback before.” “I can learn and improve with effort.” 80% 30% Calm, Motivated 20% Felt more confident in improving skills

Questions to Compose an Adaptive Response:

  1. What is the evidence that the automatic thought is true? Not true?
  2. Is there an alternative explanation?
  3. What’s the worst that could happen? What’s the best that could happen? What’s the most realistic outcome?
  4. If a friend were in this situation and had this thought, what would I tell him/her?

Feel free to use and fill out this table whenever you need to track and analyze your thoughts and emotions.

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