Post a summary of your experience in beginning your literature search and assess your initial progress. Explain what is working for you in terms of a plan or search strategy for finding relevant, current literature, including Walden Library support resources you would recommend. Explain issues of concern and specific questions regarding the search process. References and citations are not required.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

  • Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Walen, M. (Eds.). (2021). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines (4th ed.). Sigma Theta Tau International.
    • Chapter 5, “Searching for Evidence” (pp. 99–128)
    • (Review from Week 4).
  • Rew, L., Cauvin, S., Cengiz, A., Pretorius, K., & Johnson, K. (2020). Application of project management tools and techniques to support nursing intervention researchNursing Outlook, 68(4), 396–405.

    (Review from Module 3)

  • Walden University Writing Center. (2020, August 18). Writing literature reviews in your graduate coursework[Webinar].

Beginning Literature Search

Title: Beginning the Literature Search: An Assessment of Progress


Beginning a literature search is a crucial step in any research project, as it lays the foundation for understanding existing knowledge, identifying gaps, and developing a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. This essay reflects on my experience in initiating a literature search for a research project and assesses my initial progress. I will discuss what has been effective in terms of my search strategy, including the valuable support resources provided by the Walden Library. Additionally, I will address concerns and specific questions that have arisen during the search process.

Effective Search Strategies and Resources

To commence my literature search, I first reviewed Chapter 5, “Searching for Evidence,” from the Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice guidelines (Dang et al., 2021). This chapter provided valuable insights into the importance of systematic searching and outlined various search techniques and strategies. It emphasized the need to use relevant keywords, Boolean operators, and advanced search techniques to optimize the search process. These guidelines helped me structure my search by identifying key concepts and relevant terms related to my research topic.

One resource that has been particularly beneficial is the Walden University Library. The library offers a wide range of databases and research tools that have allowed me to access relevant, peer-reviewed articles and other scholarly resources. I have found databases like PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO to be particularly useful for my nursing research. The library also provides access to a multitude of online tutorials and guides on effective literature searching. Furthermore, the “Ask a Librarian” feature has been invaluable for addressing specific questions and seeking assistance when encountering challenges during the search process.

The webinar titled “Writing Literature Reviews in Your Graduate Coursework” provided by the Walden University Writing Center (Walden University Writing Center, 2020) has been another valuable resource. This webinar offered guidance on structuring literature reviews and provided insights into the importance of critically evaluating sources. It emphasized the need to maintain a clear focus on the research question and objectives, which has been instrumental in streamlining my literature search efforts.

Issues of Concern and Specific Questions

Despite the progress made in initiating my literature search, I have encountered some issues and questions that require further consideration. One of the concerns is the overwhelming volume of literature available on my research topic. While comprehensive searches are essential, it is challenging to determine when to stop and select the most relevant sources for review. I am unsure about the ideal balance between inclusivity and selectivity in the initial search phase.

Another question I have pertains to the management of citations and references. As I collect numerous sources, I am concerned about how to efficiently organize and document them to avoid duplication and ensure easy retrieval when needed during the writing process. Strategies for citation management systems or software have become a priority for me.

Furthermore, I am curious about how to assess the quality and relevance of the articles I have identified. While peer-reviewed status is a good starting point, I am interested in understanding more advanced criteria for evaluating sources, especially when dealing with conflicting or contrasting research findings.


The process of initiating a literature search is both exciting and challenging. It involves a delicate balance between effective search strategies, resource utilization, and addressing concerns and questions that arise along the way. The guidance provided by the Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice guidelines, Walden University Library resources, and the Writing Center’s webinar has been invaluable. However, as I progress in my research journey, I recognize the need for ongoing learning and refinement of my literature search skills to ensure that I gather the most relevant and current literature for my research project.

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