what are the best ways to create a leadership development plan

best ways to create a leadership development plan

Creating a leadership development plan involves a structured approach to identifying and developing leadership skills. Here are the best ways to create a comprehensive leadership development plan in two pages:

1. Introduction

Objective: Begin with a clear statement of the purpose and goals of the leadership development plan. Explain why leadership development is important and what you hope to achieve.

2. Self-Assessment

Leadership Style: Identify your current leadership style (e.g., transformational, transactional, servant leadership) using a self-assessment tool or leadership inventory. Strengths and Weaknesses: List your key strengths and areas for improvement. Use feedback from peers, supervisors, or performance reviews to support your assessment.

3. Goal Setting

SMART Goals: Define 2-3 specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your leadership development. For example, “Improve team communication skills by attending a workshop and practicing techniques within the next six months.”

4. Action Plan

Development Activities: Outline specific activities or experiences that will help you achieve your goals. These could include:

  • Formal Education: Enroll in leadership courses or workshops.
  • Mentoring: Seek a mentor who can provide guidance and support.
  • Reading: Identify books, articles, or other resources on leadership.
  • Networking: Join professional organizations or attend industry conferences.
  • On-the-Job Experience: Take on new responsibilities or projects that challenge your leadership abilities.

5. Resources

Support Systems: Identify the resources you will need, such as time, funding, and access to training programs. Consider how you will leverage your existing network and any organizational support available to you.

6. Timeline

Milestones: Create a timeline with key milestones to track your progress. For example, “Complete leadership training by Q2, meet with mentor monthly, and implement feedback from 360-degree reviews by Q4.”

7. Evaluation

Progress Monitoring: Describe how you will measure your progress and success. Use tools like self-reflection journals, feedback from peers and supervisors, and regular reviews of your goals and milestones.

8. Conclusion

Commitment: End with a statement of commitment to your leadership development plan. Highlight the anticipated benefits and your dedication to continuous improvement.

Sample Leadership Development Plan


The purpose of this leadership development plan is to enhance my leadership skills to effectively manage and inspire my team. By identifying my strengths and areas for improvement, setting specific goals, and outlining actionable steps, I aim to become a more effective and influential leader.


Leadership Style: Transformational leadership Strengths: Strong communication, team collaboration Weaknesses: Delegation, conflict resolution

Goal Setting

  1. Improve delegation skills by the end of Q3.
  2. Enhance conflict resolution abilities through targeted training within the next six months.

Action Plan

Development Activities:

  • Formal Education: Enroll in a delegation skills workshop by July 15.
  • Mentoring: Schedule monthly meetings with a senior leader to discuss delegation strategies.
  • Reading: Read “The Art of Conflict Resolution” by August 30.
  • Networking: Attend the annual leadership conference in November to learn best practices.


Support Systems:

  • Time: Dedicate 2 hours per week to development activities.
  • Funding: Utilize company-provided professional development funds.
  • Network: Engage with my mentor and peers for feedback and support.



  • Q2: Enroll in and complete a delegation workshop.
  • Q3: Implement delegation strategies and meet with a mentor monthly.
  • Q4: Complete conflict resolution training and apply techniques in team settings.


Progress Monitoring:

  • Self-reflection journal to document experiences and learnings.
  • Feedback from team members during monthly check-ins.
  • Regular review of goals and milestones with my mentor.


I am committed to this leadership development plan and believe it will significantly enhance my effectiveness as a leader. By focusing on continuous improvement and leveraging available resources, I will achieve my leadership goals and positively impact my team.

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