Gather data previously collected at the classroom, school, or district level to justify the identification of a topic for study.

OBJECTIVE: Identifying and analyzing a problem or weakness currently found in candidate’s field of study for the purpose of completing the Research Proposal assignment.  Remember, the Research Proposal is a proposal for an experimental research design.


  1. Identify the problem that you wish to research and write a problem statement. (i.e., The problem this study will address is poor student academic achievement.) (Chapter 1)
  2. Identify your hypothesis. (Chapter 1)
  3. Elaborate on how you determined this was a problem and write a purpose statement based on your problem statement. (i.e., The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of socioeconomic status on student academic achievement.)
  4. Construct a graphical representation that allows for easy analysis of your compiled data that highlights your problem. Identify the source of the data and discuss its credibility. Examples of existing data might include school district test scores, absenteeism reports, graduation rates, cost, ranks, divorce rates, living habits, etc.
  5. Discuss the data in your graphical representation to confirm that a problem or weakness can be addressed that is appropriate to the scope of the required program.
  6. Connect the problem or weakness to trends or patterns represented in your data.

candidate’s field of study

Gather data previously collected at the classroom, school, or district level to justify the identification of a topic for study.

OBJECTIVE: Identifying and analyzing a problem or weakness currently found in candidate’s field of study for the purpose of completing the Research Proposal assignment.  Remember, the Research Proposal is a proposal for an experimental research design.


  1. Identify the problem that you wish to research and write a problem statement. (i.e., The problem this study will address is poor student academic achievement.) (Chapter 1)
  2. Identify your hypothesis. (Chapter 1)
  3. Elaborate on how you determined this was a problem and write a purpose statement based on your problem statement. (i.e., The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of socioeconomic status on student academic achievement.)
  4. Construct a graphical representation that allows for easy analysis of your compiled data that highlights your problem. Identify the source of the data and discuss its credibility. Examples of existing data might include school district test scores, absenteeism reports, graduation rates, cost, ranks, divorce rates, living habits, etc.
  5. Discuss the data in your graphical representation to confirm that a problem or weakness can be addressed that is appropriate to the scope of the required program.
  6. Connect the problem or weakness to trends or patterns represented in your data.

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