International Trade Law I 2021

Research (core) essay – International Trade Law I 2021: The digital economy has rapidly grown over the last decades, but multilateral rules on cross-border electronic transactions have not…

Analysis of Garland’s Film

Analysis of Garland’s Film; Apply what you learned from the BitchMedia podcast on “Fembots” to analyze Garland’s film.  Do you think Ex Machina recycles tired old gender stereotypes when addressing anxiety…

Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies

Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies; An effective nurse educator is aware of these  strategies and how to use them in an educational setting. The purpose of this assignment is to…

Healthcare Ethics

Healthcare Ethics; For your final project, choose three areas of healthcare ethics that interest you. These could be topical areas or current events. In a single document, summarize…

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; An important role of nursing is to provide health promotion and disease prevention. Review the 2020 Topics and Objectives on the Healthy People…

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