Find at least two scholarly references that address the following questions. You may need more references if the two you find do not address all questions. Scholarly peer-reviewed articles can be found in professional journals. Most sources found on CINAHL are scholarly sources. Another place to look is Google Scholar.

Write an essay of 250 to 300 words that addresses the following questions. The word limit is for the body of the essay, not counting references. Be sure to use APA format. You may not use personal pronouns such as “I” or “my”. Use a 7th edition APA cover page. You can follow the sample cover page for the Finding the Evidence paper as a model. You can title your paper “Alternative Research Assignment”. These are the questions to answer:

What are concerns that participants in human subjects studies frequently express?

What is the usual process for addressing those concerns? How well does this process work?

What are potential triggers for participants? How can those triggers be addressed?

How well do participants think their rights are protected?

Concerns in Human Subjects Studies

Find at least two scholarly references that address the following questions. You may need more references if the two you find do not address all questions. Scholarly peer-reviewed articles can be found in professional journals. Most sources found on CINAHL are scholarly sources. Another place to look is Google Scholar.

Write an essay of 250 to 300 words that addresses the following questions. The word limit is for the body of the essay, not counting references. Be sure to use APA format. You may not use personal pronouns such as “I” or “my”. Use a 7th edition APA cover page. You can follow the sample cover page for the Finding the Evidence paper as a model. You can title your paper “Alternative Research Assignment”. These are the questions to answer:

What are concerns that participants in human subjects studies frequently express?

What is the usual process for addressing those concerns? How well does this process work?

What are potential triggers for participants? How can those triggers be addressed?

How well do participants think their rights are protected?

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