Visit the State Hermitage Museum, in St. Petersburg, on Google’s Arts & Culture platform. Explore the collection and look at the different works of art on display. Describing Two Arts

From the collection, select two sculptures and respond to the series of questions provided to explore them in depth.

Describing Two Arts

  1. Describe the two works by providing the following information for each.,
  2. Who is the artist?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. What is the title of the work?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. When was the work created?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. What medium was used (e.g. clay bronze marble)?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. How large is the work? Provide dimensions.

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. Is the work representational? Naturalistic? Abstract? Stylized? Nonrepresentational? Give details that demonstrate your answer. Describing Two Arts

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. Does the work depict a person? If so what is the person doing?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. Compare and contrast the two works of art by analyzing each artist’s use of the principles of sculpture.
  2. Which of the four basic methods for making sculpture is utilized here?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. How would the feeling of the work differ if it were created using one of the other three methods?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. Identify what is emphasized in each work. How is it emphasized? What, if anything, becomes subordinated?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. Describe the scale and proportion employed in each work.

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. What would be lost and what would be gained if this were a two-dimensional work?

Work 1: 

Work 2: 

  1. Look at Torsoat the Museum Kampa in Prague.This sculpture is vastly different and shows the evolution of sculpture over time. Describing Two Arts
  2. What conclusions can you draw about the evolution of the medium in art?
  3. How do you think each style is representative of its respective time period?
  4. What hasn’t changed?
  5. Recall your initial reasons for selecting the two works.
  6. What were your first impressions?
  7. Do you think their curation affected your impressions? If so, why?
  8. How have your impressions changed after you looked at the two works closely?


Link of State Hermitage Museum, in St. Petersburg,-

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