A federal Judiciary committee has issued a new set of model jury instructions that federal judges may use to deter jurors from using social media to research or communicate about cases. States have also adopted rules regarding what should be deemed properly gathered evidence. These new instructions caution jurors about the ways in which social media can undermine a jury’s ability to deliver an impartial verdict. However, the ability to limit what information a juror has access to is becoming increasingly more difficult to control at both the federal and the state court level. The temptation to know “the truth” can drive jurors to ignore the mandates of the Court and the Constitution as well as the rules governing the proper gathering of evidence.

Based on the course material, lecture notes, and Scripture:

  • Summarize the basic rules of evidence and explain how juror use of social media to gather “evidence” is a violation of the basic rules of evidence.
  • Explain the importance of gathering evidence that comports with Constitutional provisions and the rules of evidence. How does social media undermine a juror’s ability to deliver an impartial verdict?
  • From a biblical perspective, what principles support adherence to established rules within our criminal justice system? Provide the relevant Scripture.

deter jurors from using social media

A federal Judiciary committee has issued a new set of model jury instructions that federal judges may use to deter jurors from using social media to research or communicate about cases. States have also adopted rules regarding what should be deemed properly gathered evidence. These new instructions caution jurors about the ways in which social media can undermine a jury’s ability to deliver an impartial verdict. However, the ability to limit what information a juror has access to is becoming increasingly more difficult to control at both the federal and the state court level. The temptation to know “the truth” can drive jurors to ignore the mandates of the Court and the Constitution as well as the rules governing the proper gathering of evidence.

Based on the course material, lecture notes, and Scripture:

  • Summarize the basic rules of evidence and explain how juror use of social media to gather “evidence” is a violation of the basic rules of evidence.
  • Explain the importance of gathering evidence that comports with Constitutional provisions and the rules of evidence. How does social media undermine a juror’s ability to deliver an impartial verdict?
  • From a biblical perspective, what principles support adherence to established rules within our criminal justice system? Provide the relevant Scripture.

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