Marketing Plan Analysis – Distribution and Pricing Objectives and Strategies

Directions: Address each of the questions below in the textbox provided.

  1. Identify and explain the five steps of the supply chain for your brand. If the brand does not utilize a step, explain why this would make business sense.
  2. Describe in 50-100 words total how each of the following influence your distribution strategies.
  • Product Mix
  • Target Market
  • Control of Display, Pricing, Promotion
  • Estimated Life Cycle
  • Regulations or Taxes
  1. Describe the distribution channel strategy utilized by the brand.
  2. Identify and explain the marketing channel strategy currently used by the brand.
  3. Identify any possible channel conflicts. What would create these conflicts? How can they be resolved or prevented?
  4. Define the brand’s pricing objectives for the brand.
  5. What are the current pricing strategies for the brand. Explain.
  6. Using the above research findings, in 250 words, provide your recommendations for the brand regarding the distribution and pricing objectives and strategies.


References: Provide APA-formatted references for all resources you have cited.

Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2019). Marketing: Concepts and strategies. Cengage Learning EMEA.

Obotu Agape Oguche. (2023, November 2). Kroger supply chain issues and management. Financial Falconet.

The Kroger Co. (2023). Supply chain.



Distribution and Pricing Objectives and Strategies

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