Marketing Plan Analysis – Distribution and Pricing Objectives and Strategies
Directions: Address each of the questions below in the textbox provided.
- Identify and explain the five steps of the supply chain for your brand. If the brand does not utilize a step, explain why this would make business sense.
- Describe in 50-100 words total how each of the following influence your distribution strategies.
- Product Mix
- Target Market
- Control of Display, Pricing, Promotion
- Estimated Life Cycle
- Regulations or Taxes
- Describe the distribution channel strategy utilized by the brand.
- Identify and explain the marketing channel strategy currently used by the brand.
- Identify any possible channel conflicts. What would create these conflicts? How can they be resolved or prevented?
- Define the brand’s pricing objectives for the brand.
- What are the current pricing strategies for the brand. Explain.
- Using the above research findings, in 250 words, provide your recommendations for the brand regarding the distribution and pricing objectives and strategies.
References: Provide APA-formatted references for all resources you have cited.
Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2019). Marketing: Concepts and strategies. Cengage Learning EMEA.
Obotu Agape Oguche. (2023, November 2). Kroger supply chain issues and management. Financial Falconet. The Kroger Co. (2023). Supply chain.