Analyze your supervision strategies, commenting on how they align with your current leadership skills and preferences.

Write a 4 page chapter for a manual of social work best practices and identify an emerging intervention model

  • Briefly describe the model and its target population.
  • Explain clearly for supervisees how a particular cutting-edge intervention is informed by and impacts global issues such immigration, technology, and poverty, in a clinical setting.
  • Explain which leadership and supervision skills you will bring to bear to address the emerging intervention of your choice.
  • Develop guidelines based on your individually identified supervision strategies for your staff to use when considering global issues such as immigration, technology, and poverty in assessment and intervention at all levels.

For the second part of the assignment, in 4 pages:

  • Describe supervision models aligned to your leadership style (transformational leadership).
  • Address the challenges you, as a supervisor, will face in leading and supervising this emerging intervention model.

Analyze your supervision strategies, commenting on how they align with your current leadership skills and preferences.

emerging intervention model 

Write a 4 page chapter for a manual of social work best practices and identify an emerging intervention model

  • Briefly describe the model and its target population.
  • Explain clearly for supervisees how a particular cutting-edge intervention is informed by and impacts global issues such immigration, technology, and poverty, in a clinical setting.
  • Explain which leadership and supervision skills you will bring to bear to address the emerging intervention of your choice.
  • Develop guidelines based on your individually identified supervision strategies for your staff to use when considering global issues such as immigration, technology, and poverty in assessment and intervention at all levels.

For the second part of the assignment, in 4 pages:

  • Describe supervision models aligned to your leadership style (transformational leadership).
  • Address the challenges you, as a supervisor, will face in leading and supervising this emerging intervention model.

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