You are currently a Human Resources Director at a company located in New England that has 220 employees on site. Recently there have been rumors spreading that some of the employees are interested in forming a union.

Your CEO is concerned about this rumor and has asked you to provide her with a memo including the following:

  • What is the difference between Employee Relations and Labor Relations?
  • What is the National Labor Relations Act and how does it impact Labor Relations?
  • If the employees are attempting to organize, what will happen next? What are the steps in unionization?
  • If the union is formed, how does the collective bargaining process work? What is normally included in a collective bargaining agreement?

In 2-3 pages, please compose a memo to the CEO providing that information.

Employee Relations and Labor Relations

You are currently a Human Resources Director at a company located in New England that has 220 employees on site. Recently there have been rumors spreading that some of the employees are interested in forming a union.

Your CEO is concerned about this rumor and has asked you to provide her with a memo including the following:

  • What is the difference between Employee Relations and Labor Relations?
  • What is the National Labor Relations Act and how does it impact Labor Relations?
  • If the employees are attempting to organize, what will happen next? What are the steps in unionization?
  • If the union is formed, how does the collective bargaining process work? What is normally included in a collective bargaining agreement?

In 2-3 pages, please compose a memo to the CEO providing that information.

You are currently a Human Resources Director at a company located in New England that has 220 employees on site. Recently there have been rumors spreading that some of the employees are interested in forming a union.

Your CEO is concerned about this rumor and has asked you to provide her with a memo including the following:

  • What is the difference between Employee Relations and Labor Relations?
  • What is the National Labor Relations Act and how does it impact Labor Relations?
  • If the employees are attempting to organize, what will happen next? What are the steps in unionization?
  • If the union is formed how does the collective bargaining process work? What is normally included in a collective bargaining agreement?

In 2-3 pages, please compose a memo to the CEO providing that information.

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