ENGL 045 Research Essay
This is the last stage in your research project.
You will write a formal 900 word (3 page) essay in MLA format (Times
New Roman or Calibri 12 font) on your research topic.
• Your essay needs to have an introduction, a body, and a
conclusion, just like in your presentation outline.
• Use the four sources you put in your annotated bibliography to
provide evidence for what you are saying in your essay. Make
sure you cite your sources in your essay—if you use a piece of
information, say where you got it from.
• You must also put your sources in your Works Cited list at the
end of your essay.
• Your essay must use formal, academic language.

ENGL 045 Research Essay

ENGL 045 Research Essay
This is the last stage in your research project.
You will write a formal 900 word (3 page) essay in MLA format (Times
New Roman or Calibri 12 font) on your research topic.
• Your essay needs to have an introduction, a body, and a
conclusion, just like in your presentation outline.
• Use the four sources you put in your annotated bibliography to
provide evidence for what you are saying in your essay. Make
sure you cite your sources in your essay—if you use a piece of
information, say where you got it from.
• You must also put your sources in your Works Cited list at the
end of your essay.
• Your essay must use formal, academic language.

ENGL 045 Research Essay
This is the last stage in your research project.
You will write a formal 900 word (3 page) essay in MLA format (Times
New Roman or Calibri 12 font) on your research topic.
• Your essay needs to have an introduction a body and a
conclusion just like in your presentation outline.,
• Use the four sources you put in your annotated bibliography to
provide evidence for what you are saying in your essay. Make
sure you cite your sources in your essay—if you use a piece of
information say where you got it from.,
• You must also put your sources in your Works Cited list at the
end of your essay.,
• Your essay must use formal, academic language.

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