Ethical Conflicts; A patient under the care of your agency committed suicide and you are in charge of the adverse incident review of this case. Considering the stakeholders in your agency (clients providers management third-party payers etc.) what are the potential ethical conflicts that may arise from your role investigating this incident and what would you do to appropriately discharge your ethical duties?

When you discuss the potential ethical conflicts, provide evidence from the scholarly articles you read for this week and/or reference specific, relevant ethical standards from the Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals (Links to an external site.) from the National Organization for Human Services. Ethical Conflicts. When responding to your peers’ original postings, review the conflicts they selected and elaborate upon them by commenting on their approach and/or making suggestions.

Please provide an initial substantive answer between 300-400 words in length.

Ethical Conflicts


Required References

Essock, S. M., Olfson, M., & Hogan, M. F. (2015). Current practices for measuring mental health outcomes in the USA: International overview of routine outcome measures in mental health. International Review of Psychiatry, 27(4), 296-305.

Kelly, T. A. (2009). Healing the broken mind: Transforming America’s failed mental health system: Ideas from a new book about transformation in the mental health system. Behavioral Healthcare, 29(10), 35.

Marbury, D. (2016). How behavioral health can benefit from population health strategies: breaking down silos remains critical for building continuity between primary care and behavioral health. Behavioral Healthcare, 36(3), 40, 42-43.

National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Vargo, A. C., Sharrock, P. J., Johnson, M. H., & Armstrong, M. I. (2013). The use of a participatory approach to develop a framework for assessing quality of care in children’s mental health services. Administration And Policy in Mental Health, 40(4), 286-299.

Recommended References

Alemanno, A. (2016, June 3). Citizen lobbying: How your skills can fix democracy  (Links to an external site.)[Video file]. Retrieved from

Laptev, M. (2014, June 26). The realities of lobbying – a look beyond the smoke and mirrors (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from

Moore, J. D. (1997). Setting standards. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 27(44), I32.

Sharfstein, J. M. (2015). Dear health care lobbyists… The Milbank Quarterly, 93(1), 15-18.

Smucker, B. (1999). The non-profit lobbying guide (2nd ed.). Independent Sector: Washington, DC.

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