1. Ethical Issues on Nanotechnology. Access the Nano.gov web site. Click on Nanotechnology 101 and read about, what it is and how it works. Then click on Nanotechnology and You and review the 6 subsections.
  2. After reading and studying  information about nanotechnology, outline a research study question that measures the impact of nanotechnology in health information technology.
  3. Case Study. Find the case study on page 608, Chapter 25, of your textbook and answer the following questions.How would you use the bioethical checklist recommended by Bennett and Naranja to address this situation? (SeeBennett, M. G., & Naranja, R. J. (2013). Getting nano tattoos right – a checklist of legal and ethical hurdles for an emerging nanomedical technology. Semantic Scholar…Ethical Issues on Nanotechnology.
  4. What ethical principles are at play within this scenario?
  5. How might you educate the patient on what nanotechnology is and how it works to alleviate concerns?
  6. What common treatments for smoking cessation and cardiac disease might you use to compare the tattoo treatment to and to explain how nanotechnology works?

Ethical Issues on Nanotechnology

Case study: Consider the following scenario: A patient with diabetes is about to be stamped with a tattoo that will identify the patient at the molecular level; the tattoo comprises tiny particles that are configured to detect biochemical shifts in metabolism to monitor glucose levels. This is now a part of the scientific revolution related to the use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in the field of nanomedicine and may become a common treatment for diabetes. Tattoos used to monitor glucose levels are an example of the miniaturization of medicine. This particular patient has watched sci-fi movies, is familiar with the term “grey goo,” and is fearful of the treatment approach. The physician explains to the patient that the use of the tattoo will be the best for her treatment plan. When the physician leaves the room, the patient states, “I don’t know about this tattoo thing. I have never wanted a tattoo, and this sounds like some sort of sci-fi movie I watched a while back.”

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