Sampling theory is the study of the relationship between a population and a group randomly picked as the representatives of the whole population (GCU 2018). This theory can be considered biased since the researcher is picking and choosing which group to research and what population they want to represent (GCU 2018). An example of sampling theory would be taking a population of smokers and starting them on nicotine gum and see if it helps the smokers quit smoking. The sample would be the population of smokers, changing their habits by starting the nicotine gum, and testing the results (Paul 2017).

Generalizability is the extension of research findings or conclusion made from the sample during a research on a large population. Using my previous example, the researcher is generalizing the smoking population that nicotine gum would help with smoking cessation when it most likely will not help everyone. Generalizability is big in the nursing research world because we study populations as a whole and try to come up with “generalized” solutions. These solutions may not help everyone specifically but will meet the need as a community (GCU 2018).

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references to support this discussion.

Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research.

generalizability as it applies to nursing research

Sampling theory is a fundamental concept in research that pertains to the process of selecting a subset or sample from a larger population to make inferences or draw conclusions about that population. It is essential in research because it is often impractical or impossible to study an entire population due to limitations in time, resources, and feasibility. Sampling theory involves methods and techniques for selecting a representative sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the larger population.

In the provided example of sampling theory related to nursing research, the population consists of smokers, and the researcher selects a sample from this population to study the effects of nicotine gum on smoking cessation. By choosing a representative sample of smokers and monitoring the changes in their habits, the researcher can draw conclusions about the potential benefits of nicotine gum for the broader population of smokers. This process allows for more manageable and cost-effective research while still providing valuable insights.

Generalizability in nursing research refers to the ability to extend research findings or conclusions from a sample to a larger population. In the context of the example, the researcher aims to generalize the findings about the effectiveness of nicotine gum in smoking cessation to the entire population of smokers. It is important to note that while generalizability is a critical aspect of research, it does not imply that the findings will apply to every individual within the population. Instead, it suggests that the results are applicable at a broader, community or population level.

To support this discussion, GCU (Grand Canyon University, 2018) can be cited as a source that provides a general understanding of sampling theory and generalizability in research. Additionally, Paul (2017) can be referenced for the specific example related to smoking cessation and nicotine gum. These references emphasize the importance of proper sampling techniques and the limitations of generalization in nursing research, highlighting the need for researchers to strike a balance between study efficiency and the meaningful application of findings to the larger population.

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