1. Prepare a discussion post that answers the following questions:
    1. What events have occurred in your life that led you to this program but was improbable or unlikely?
    2. In retrospect do any of these events now appear to be the Hand of God at work? Please explain your response.
  2. Your initial post should be 200 – 300 words

Hand of God at work

Entering the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) program has been the culmination of several unexpected and improbable events in my life, which, in retrospect, I now see as the Hand of God guiding my path. One such event occurred early in my nursing career when I was assigned to work in a psychiatric unit—a specialty I had not initially considered. This assignment seemed random, but it opened my eyes to the profound impact that mental health care can have on individuals and their families. The compassion and resilience I witnessed in both patients and mental health professionals sparked a deep interest in psychiatric nursing, a field I had previously overlooked.

Another pivotal moment came when a close family member was diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Navigating the complexities of the healthcare system on their behalf was both challenging and enlightening. This personal experience not only deepened my understanding of the struggles faced by those with mental health issues but also fueled my desire to be part of the solution, providing comprehensive care to those in need.

Looking back, these experiences now seem more than mere coincidences. They appear to be the Hand of God at work, directing me towards a path I might not have chosen on my own but was undeniably meant to follow. The seemingly improbable events that led me to this program have shaped my passion for mental health care and my commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. Through these experiences, I have come to believe that God has a purpose for me in this field, guiding my steps even when the direction was unclear.

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