Find at least 5 sources (2 of these should be peer reviewed journal papers) on your writing assignment topic. Please use the National University Library and/or Google Scholar to assist in your search. List the references in this discussion thread. Are these good papers to use for your research? Very briefly, mention how you plan to use the information from each paper in your research.

Please respond like this in proper APA 6th Edition format:

My topic: Understanding the health implications of water in Iraq.

Zolnikov, T. R. (2013). The maladies of water and war: Addressing poor water quality in Iraq. American Journal of Public Health, 103(6), 980-987.

I have selected this paper to use because it provides information on waterborne diseases. While it focuses on Iraq, I believe I will be able to extend this information and use it in a broader context.

Hagopian, A., Flaxman, A. D., Takaro, T. K., Al Shatari, S. A. E., Rajaratnam, J., Becker, S., & Burnham, G. (2013). Mortality in Iraq Associated with the 2003–2011 War and Occupation: Findings from a National Cluster Sample Survey by the University Collaborative Iraq Mortality Study. PLoS Medicine, 10(10), e1001533.

I have selected this paper because I will be able to review mortality rates within Iraq. I can understand what health implications are taking place. Also, because this paper was printed in 2013, it is a valuable current source of data.

health implications of water in Iraq

My topic: Understanding the health implications of water in Iraq.

  1. Al-Ansari, N., Ali, S., & Knutsson, S. (2016). Impact of Euphrates and Tigris rivers on the water quality of Shatt Al-Arab River, Southern Iraq. Journal of Water and Land Development, 30, 3-11. This paper examines the impact of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers on the water quality of the Shatt Al-Arab River in Southern Iraq. I plan to use this information to understand the specific pollutants and contaminants present in the water and their potential health effects on the population.
  2. Abdul-Wahab, S. A., & Bakheit, C. S. (2019). Assessment of water quality and its impact on the population health in Baghdad city, Iraq. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 41(4), 1593-1608. This peer-reviewed journal paper assesses water quality in Baghdad and its impact on the health of the population. I intend to use this paper to gain insights into the current state of water quality in Iraq’s capital city and its potential health implications.
  3. Zolnikov, T. R. (2013). The maladies of water and war: Addressing poor water quality in Iraq. American Journal of Public Health, 103(6), 980-987. This paper provides information on waterborne diseases in Iraq and addresses the issue of poor water quality in the context of war. I will use this paper to understand the specific health risks associated with contaminated water sources in Iraq.
  4. Hagopian, A., Flaxman, A. D., Takaro, T. K., Al Shatari, S. A. E., Rajaratnam, J., Becker, S., & Burnham, G. (2013). Mortality in Iraq Associated with the 2003–2011 War and Occupation: Findings from a National Cluster Sample Survey by the University Collaborative Iraq Mortality Study. PLoS Medicine, 10(10), e1001533. This paper investigates mortality rates in Iraq associated with the 2003-2011 war and occupation. I plan to use this paper to understand the broader health implications of conflict and instability on the population, including its impact on access to clean water and healthcare services.
  5. Ali, A. F., Al-Khudhairy, D. H., Al-Ansari, N., Hussain, H. M., & Knutsson, S. (2020). Evaluation of water quality and human health risk due to heavy metals contamination in Basrah Province, southern Iraq. Water, 12(2), 546. This paper evaluates water quality and human health risks due to heavy metal contamination in Basrah Province, southern Iraq. I intend to use this information to assess the specific health risks associated with heavy metal exposure through contaminated water sources in Iraq.

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