Miguel, age 14, was hit in   the eye with a baseball and developed eye pain, decreased visual acuity, and   injection of the globe. Upon exam you note blood in the anterior chamber and confirm diagnosis of hyphema. What treatment do you recommend while Miguel is waiting to see the ophthalmologist

Hyphema Treatment

Title: Management of Hyphema in Miguel: A Critical Review


Injuries can happen at any moment, especially during sports activities, and can result in a wide range of medical issues. One such injury is hyphema, a condition characterized by bleeding in the anterior chamber of the eye, which can be caused by various factors, including trauma. Miguel, a 14-year-old boy, experienced such an injury when he was struck in the eye by a baseball. This essay explores the appropriate initial treatment options for Miguel while awaiting evaluation by an ophthalmologist, highlighting the importance of prompt and effective management in preserving his vision and overall eye health.

Understanding Hyphema

Hyphema, characterized by the presence of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye, can occur as a result of trauma or underlying medical conditions. In Miguel’s case, the trauma from the baseball impact likely caused bleeding within the eye, leading to the symptoms of eye pain, decreased visual acuity, and injection of the globe.

Immediate Management

When a patient like Miguel presents with symptoms suggestive of hyphema, it is crucial to initiate immediate management to reduce the risk of complications. Here are the key steps that should be taken while awaiting evaluation by an ophthalmologist:

  1. Immobilization and Rest: Miguel should be advised to rest in a semi-upright position with the head elevated at a 30-45 degree angle. This position helps minimize further bleeding into the anterior chamber.
  2. Eye Shield: An eye shield or protective eyewear should be provided to Miguel to prevent accidental trauma to the injured eye. This precaution is essential to avoid exacerbating the injury.
  3. Analgesia: Pain management is crucial in providing comfort to the patient. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen can be recommended under proper medical supervision.
  4. Strict Activity Limitations: Miguel should be advised to refrain from any strenuous physical activities, including sports, until cleared by the ophthalmologist. Physical exertion can increase intraocular pressure, potentially worsening the hyphema.
  5. Cycloplegic Medications: Cycloplegic agents, such as atropine or scopolamine, may be prescribed to reduce ciliary muscle spasm and minimize the risk of secondary complications like elevated intraocular pressure (glaucoma).
  6. Frequent Follow-up: It is essential to closely monitor Miguel’s condition while waiting for the ophthalmologist’s evaluation. Frequent follow-up visits, typically within 24 hours, are necessary to assess the progression of the hyphema and detect any complications early.
  7. Education and Eye Protection: Miguel and his family should be educated about the potential risks of hyphema and the importance of protecting the injured eye. Emphasizing the need for strict compliance with instructions is crucial.

When to Seek Emergency Care

While the aforementioned steps are essential in the initial management of hyphema, it is crucial to emphasize that any worsening of symptoms or the development of new symptoms, such as increased pain, severe vision loss, or signs of increased intraocular pressure, should prompt an immediate visit to the emergency room or ophthalmologist for further evaluation and intervention.


Injuries to the eye, like the one experienced by Miguel, can have significant consequences if not managed promptly and appropriately. The key to preventing complications and preserving vision in cases of hyphema lies in immediate action. Immobilization, rest, pain management, and follow-up care are crucial components of initial management while awaiting evaluation by an ophthalmologist. Miguel’s case serves as a reminder of the importance of eye protection and safety measures in sports and daily activities to prevent such unfortunate incidents from occurring in the first place.

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