- Advanced Methods.pptx Advanced Methods.pptx – Alternative Formats (96.688 KB)
Surgeon General Issues New Advisory About Effects Social Media Use Has on Youth Mental Health _ HHS.gov.pdf Surgeon General Issues New Advisory About Effects Social Media Use Has on Youth Mental Health _ HHS.gov.pdf – Alternative Formats (177.612 KB)
- Review the slides on Research Methods (attached)
- Read the article on social media and mood disorders/mental health (attached) and use as the basis to form a hypothetical research study on a related topic in mental health.
- Create a recorded presentation (10-15 minutes) to elaborate the following questions based on the social media article and the problems presented therein. Use/discuss your hypothetical research study as part of the presentation.
- What is the research question or hypothesis?
- What is the purpose of the study?
- What is the target population?
- What is the sampling strategy?
- What is the data collection method?
- What is the data analysis method?
- Operationalization of Variables
- What are the potential limitations
- What are the ethical considerations?
- Advanced Methods.pptx Advanced Methods.pptx – Alternative Formats (96.688 KB)
Surgeon General Issues New Advisory About Effects Social Media Use Has on Youth Mental Health _ HHS.gov.pdf Surgeon General Issues New Advisory About Effects Social Media Use Has on Youth Mental Health _ HHS.gov.pdf – Alternative Formats (177.612 KB)
- Review the slides on Research Methods (attached)
- Read the article on social media and mood disorders/mental health (attached) and use as the basis to form a hypothetical research study on a related topic in mental health.
- Create a recorded presentation (10-15 minutes) to elaborate the following questions based on the social media article and the problems presented therein. Use/discuss your hypothetical research study as part of the presentation.
- What is the research question or hypothesis?
- What is the purpose of the study?
- What is the target population?
- What is the sampling strategy?
- What is the data collection method?
- What is the data analysis method?
- Operationalization of Variables
- What are the potential limitations
- What are the ethical considerations?