1. Inferential Statistics; Congratulations! You have been hired as a research assistant in a lab at a large university. You have been tasked with determining environmental and genetic influences of IQ score in children. The principle investigator has asked for you to analyze the data that was collected by the former research assistant (Week 7 Gen Psy Dataset.sav). She would like you first report the descriptive statistics of the sample including measures of central tendency (mean and median) and spread (standard deviation, range, and interquartile range) for age of child, weight, and height. Next, the lab principle investigator would like you to conduct inferential statistics answer the following questions:
  2. Is there a significant association between mother’s IQ score and children’s IQ score?
  3. Is there a difference in IQ score between children of mother’s who do and do not smoke?
  4. Do the years fathers were in education father’s IQ score and number of cigarettes the father smokes per day predict children’s IQ score; Inferential Statistics

Inferential Statistics

  1. Is there a difference in IQ score between children of mothers that engaged in low average and high activity levels during pregnancy?
  2. Specific instructions for your APA style write up are included below:
  3. Run the appropriate analysis to answer each research question posed above. *Note: You may have to create new variables for answer one or more of the questions using the data that you have in the dataset (e.g., continuous to categorical)
  4. Write up the results of each analysis and be sure to include the following:
    1. Descriptive statistics from the prompt
    2. A scatterplot for each correlational analysis
    3. A bar chart for each ANOVA and independent samples t-test
    4. A table to depict the results of the regression analysis; Inferential Statistics
  5. In your write up, be sure to answer the following questions in regard to each analysis:
    1. What type of test did you use?
    2. What variables did you examine?
    3. What were your findings?
    4. What do these results suggest?

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