Debate Evaluation Sheet


Debate Title/ position (pro): Marijuana should be legal

Criteria Possible Points                   Your Score
1. Resolution statement is clear and unambiguous 5
2.  Position statement is clear and reflects use of citation accurate facts to support it. 15
3. Stayed within time guidelines 5
4.  Answered questions succinctly and logically 10
5.  Delivery of Position /Responses reflects good preparation of topic and knowledge of related policy 10
6. Participated in class discussion regarding debate topic post debate 5
7. Total 50



Marijuana Should be Legal Debate

Debate Title/position (pro): Marijuana should be legal

Criteria Possible Points Your Score

  1. Resolution statement is clear and unambiguous 5 5
  2. Position statement is clear and reflects use of citation accurate facts to support it. 15 14
  3. Stayed within time guidelines 5 5
  4. Answered questions succinctly and logically 10 10
  5. Delivery of Position/Responses reflects good preparation of topic and knowledge of related policy 10 9
  6. Participated in class discussion regarding debate topic post debate 5 5
  7. Total 50 48


  • The resolution statement was clearly stated and easy to understand.
  • The position statement was well-supported with factual evidence, although one citation seemed slightly inaccurate.
  • The speaker adhered to time guidelines effectively.
  • Answers to questions were logical and to the point.
  • The delivery of the position and responses demonstrated good preparation and knowledge of related policy.
  • Active participation in the post-debate discussion was noted.

Overall, an excellent performance, with just a minor adjustment needed in citation accuracy.

Debate Title/position (pro): Marijuana should be legal

Criteria Possible Points Your Score

  1. Resolution statement is clear and unambiguous 5 5
  2. Position statement is clear and reflects use of citation accurate facts to support it. 15 14
  3. Stayed within time guidelines 5 5
  4. Answered questions succinctly and logically 10 10
  5. Delivery of Position/Responses reflects good preparation of topic and knowledge of related policy 10 9
  6. Participated in class discussion regarding debate topic post debate 5 5
  7. Total 50 48


  • The resolution statement was clearly stated and easy to understand.
  • The position statement was well-supported with factual evidence, although one citation seemed slightly inaccurate.
  • The speaker adhered to time guidelines effectively.
  • Answers to questions were logical and to the point.
  • The delivery of the position and responses demonstrated good preparation and knowledge of related policy.
  • Active participation in the post-debate discussion was noted.

Overall, an excellent performance, with just a minor adjustment needed in citation accuracy.

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