Consider the following  Marque and Eva Case Scenario:

Marque and Eva are the parents of 6-month-old Oliver. They recently read an article suggesting that chubby babies are at risk of becoming overweight children and adults. Friends and family often observe that Oliver is “chubby,” and now Marque and Eva are considering putting him on a diet.

Using research from the text to support their answer, ask students to explain to Marque and Eva are the parents of 6-month-old Oliver why putting Oliver on a diet would be a bad idea. Students should consider these questions when answering Marque and Eva Case Scenario:

Marque and Eva are the parents of 6-month-old Oliver. They recently read an article suggesting that chubby babies are at risk of becoming overweight children and adults. Friends and family often observe that Oliver is “chubby,” and now Marque and Eva are considering putting him on a diet.

Marque and Eva are the parents of 6-month-old Oliver. They recently read an article suggesting that chubby babies are at risk of becoming overweight children and adults. Friends and family often observe that Oliver is “chubby,” and now Marque and Eva are considering putting him on a diet.

Marque and Eva are the parents of 6-month-old Oliver. They recently read an article suggesting that chubby babies are at risk of becoming overweight children and adults. Friends and family often observe that Oliver is “chubby,” and now Marque and Eva are considering putting him on a diet.

Marque and Eva are the parents of 6-month-old Oliver. They recently read an article suggesting that chubby babies are at risk of becoming overweight children and adults. Friends and family often observe that Oliver is “chubby,” and now Marque and Eva are considering putting him on a diet.

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