due within 9 hours

book  “Willa Cather O Pioneers”


How a person presents oneself to others and what happens when they do?

We have read about characters who, once dressed in a new suit of clothes, found others treating them differently than before.  How much do we judge others by their clothes their gender the way they act?

We have read about characters who have been called cheerful — and we have also encountered those who were surly.  What is the effect of how we present ourselves upon the American dream?

How much does fashion being well kept and affecting a certain way of acting impact our ability to reach our goals?

Be sure to properly cite your sources using APA documentation. 750 word

Oneself Presentation to Others

Presentation of Self in “O Pioneers!” by Willa Cather

In Willa Cather’s novel “O Pioneers!”, the presentation of self plays a crucial role in how characters are perceived and treated by others. The novel offers rich examples of how appearance, demeanor, and actions influence social interactions and the attainment of personal goals. This analysis will explore these themes by examining the characters’ clothing, gender, and behavior, and their impact on the American Dream.

Judging by Clothes, Gender, and Behavior

Cather’s novel highlights the importance of appearance in societal judgments. For instance, the protagonist, Alexandra Bergson, often dresses in practical, simple clothes that reflect her hardworking nature. Her attire sets her apart from more traditionally feminine characters, signaling her commitment to the farm and her rejection of conventional gender roles. This practicality earns her respect and authority among her peers, even if it sometimes alienates her from those who adhere to more traditional views of femininity.

In contrast, characters who adopt new clothing often experience a shift in how they are treated. For example, Carl Linstrum, Alexandra’s childhood friend, returns to the Divide after years away, dressed in city clothes. This change in attire symbolizes his new experiences and aspirations, but it also affects how others perceive him. Carl’s new clothes create a barrier between him and the rural community, highlighting the tension between progress and tradition.

The novel also explores how gender expectations shape interactions. Alexandra’s leadership and business acumen challenge the patriarchal norms of her community. Despite her success, she faces skepticism and criticism from those who believe that a woman’s place is not in managing a farm. This gender-based prejudice underscores the broader societal tendency to judge individuals based on their adherence to traditional gender roles.

The Effect of Presentation on the American Dream

The characters’ presentation of self in “O Pioneers!” significantly influences their pursuit of the American Dream. Alexandra’s stoic and determined demeanor is crucial to her success. Her ability to command respect and navigate the challenges of farming demonstrates how self-presentation can be a powerful tool in achieving one’s goals. Her perseverance and strategic thinking enable her to transform the family farm into a prosperous enterprise, embodying the ideals of hard work and self-reliance central to the American Dream.

On the other hand, characters who present themselves as cheerful or surly also impact their prospects. For instance, Alexandra’s brothers, Lou and Oscar, are often depicted as grumbling and resistant to change. Their negativity and reluctance to embrace new methods hinder their ability to succeed independently, contrasting sharply with Alexandra’s forward-thinking approach. This difference in attitude highlights how a positive, proactive self-presentation can facilitate progress and success, while a negative disposition can impede it.

The Impact of Fashion and Behavior on Goals

Fashion and behavior play pivotal roles in the characters’ ability to reach their goals. In “O Pioneers!”, being well-kept and adopting a certain demeanor can open doors or create barriers. Carl’s experience with his city clothes illustrates how appearance can signal social mobility and aspiration. However, it also shows how diverging too far from community norms can lead to alienation.

Alexandra’s fashion choices and behavior exemplify how aligning one’s presentation with one’s goals can lead to success. Her practical clothing and businesslike demeanor are not mere reflections of her personality but strategic choices that reinforce her authority and competence. By presenting herself in a way that aligns with her ambitions, Alexandra effectively navigates the social and economic challenges she faces.


In Willa Cather’s “O Pioneers!”, the presentation of self is a powerful determinant of how characters are perceived and treated, and it significantly influences their pursuit of the American Dream. Through characters like Alexandra and Carl, Cather demonstrates how appearance, gender, and behavior can either facilitate or hinder personal and professional success. The novel underscores the importance of self-presentation in achieving one’s goals, highlighting the complex interplay between individual identity and societal expectations.


Cather, W. (1913). O Pioneers!. Houghton Mifflin.

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