Week 7 Discussion: The Patient Centered Medical Home Model

Step 1: The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, also known as a health home, is a health care delivery model designed to improve access to care, increase quality, and reduce costs.  Familiarize yourself with the PCMH model. Use these websites or research them on your own.

Step 2: For this discussion, select one of the health care delivery settings discussed in the assigned reading (e.g. home health/hospice, long term care, the VA system, retail/nursing clinics, community health centers) and consider ways in which the setting could incorporate aspects of the PCMH model.  Specifically address access, quality, and cost. Finally, discuss the nurse’s role in advocating for these changes. If possible, share your own experiences and example of this model (or related principles).

Step 3: Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm MT.

Cite any sources in 7th. ed APA format.

Select Reply to join the discussion.  See rubric for grading details. You can find this by clicking the three dots to the top right of this thread.

Response Posts: In your responses to your classmates, contribute to the discussion with your own original professional opinions or interpretation of the course materials. Peer Responses do not require research for this course, so you do not need to include a reference and citation. If you choose to include research, APA formatting points will not be deducted for errors.

patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model

In considering the incorporation of aspects of the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) model into the home health/hospice setting, several opportunities arise to enhance access, quality, and cost-effectiveness.

Firstly, in terms of access, implementing telehealth services can significantly improve accessibility for patients receiving home health or hospice care. Telehealth allows patients to consult with their healthcare providers remotely, reducing the need for in-person visits, especially for routine check-ins or minor concerns. This is particularly beneficial for patients who may have mobility issues or live in rural areas where accessing healthcare facilities can be challenging. By incorporating telehealth into the home health/hospice setting, patients can receive timely care and support without the inconvenience of traveling to a clinic or hospital.

Secondly, focusing on quality improvement, the PCMH model emphasizes care coordination and collaboration among healthcare providers. In the home health/hospice setting, this can be achieved by establishing multidisciplinary care teams consisting of nurses, physicians, social workers, and other allied healthcare professionals. These teams can work together to develop comprehensive care plans tailored to each patient’s needs, ensuring that all aspects of their care are addressed effectively. Additionally, regular communication and information sharing among team members can help prevent errors, improve outcomes, and enhance the overall quality of care provided to patients.

Finally, regarding cost-effectiveness, implementing preventive care measures and proactive management of chronic conditions can help reduce hospital readmissions and emergency room visits, resulting in cost savings for both patients and healthcare systems. For example, by educating patients and caregivers about proper medication management, diet, and exercise, home health/hospice providers can help prevent complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases, ultimately reducing the need for costly interventions. Furthermore, by utilizing technology such as remote monitoring devices to track patients’ vital signs and health status, healthcare providers can identify potential issues early on and intervene before they escalate, thereby reducing the need for expensive medical interventions.

In advocating for these changes, nurses play a crucial role as frontline caregivers and patient advocates. Nurses can champion the adoption of telehealth services, participate in care coordination efforts, and educate patients and families about the benefits of preventive care and self-management strategies. By leveraging their expertise and advocating for the implementation of PCMH principles in the home health/hospice setting, nurses can help improve the overall quality of care, enhance patient outcomes, and optimize resource utilization.

In my experience working in home health, I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of incorporating aspects of the PCMH model into practice. By utilizing telehealth technologies, establishing multidisciplinary care teams, and focusing on preventive care, we were able to improve access to care, enhance the quality of services provided, and reduce healthcare costs for our patients. These initiatives not only benefited patients and their families but also contributed to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of our healthcare delivery system.

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