Case Study: Pediatric Patient

Sammy is an 11-year-old child with chronic back pain and behavioral problems. Because Sammy has been acting out at home and at school and showing signs of depression, the school counselor has put the family in contact with the Department of Family Services. The social worker from family services referred the child to a community counselor to address the behavior problems and depressive symptoms. After evaluation, the counselor determines the symptoms are largely related to the back pain and suggests that the family take the child to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon to evaluate the back pain. The surgeon diagnoses the child with a lumbar herniated disk and suggests Sammy have surgery during a school break. In the interim, the doctor prescribes ibuprofen and refers the child to physical therapy to teach him targeted stretching and exercises for rehabilitation. The school counselor helps the family to secure a more comfortable chair for Sammy because sitting all day in his school desk was aggravating the pain.


Discussion Questions

  1. Who are the members of the interprofessional team in this case? Would you define this as a collaborative team? Explain.
  2. Who should have been the leader of this team?
  3. Discuss team communication related to Sammy’s issues. Which of the Interprofessional Communication Sub-competencies that apply to this case study were and were not demonstrated?
  4. Which of the Teams and Teamwork Sub-competencies that apply to this case study were and were not demonstrated?
  5. Do you think it helped or hindered the outcomes of the case that the healthcare professionals worked in different institutions?

Pediatric Patient

  1. Interprofessional Team Members and Collaboration: The team involved here consists of the pediatric orthopedic surgeon, community counselor, social worker from Family Services, school counselor, and physical therapist. Yes, this scenario showcases a collaborative team effort. Each professional brings a unique expertise to address different aspects of Sammy’s issues. They work together to understand and treat the interconnected problems affecting Sammy, emphasizing a holistic approach to his well-being.
  2. Team Leadership: In this scenario, the team doesn’t seem to have a clear leader. However, in such cases, the leader often emerges based on the context and expertise required at different stages. For instance, the pediatric orthopedic surgeon might take the lead in deciding the surgical intervention, while the community counselor and school counselor might lead the psychological and educational support aspects.
  3. Team Communication and Interprofessional Communication Sub-competencies: Communication among the team members is crucial for effective care. In this scenario, communication appears robust as the professionals collaborate to address Sammy’s complex issues. The Interprofessional Communication Sub-competencies that seem to have been demonstrated include sharing information effectively and demonstrating mutual respect. However, there might have been challenges in ensuring shared decision-making and maintaining a shared plan due to professionals working in different institutions.
  4. Teams and Teamwork Sub-competencies: Several aspects of effective teamwork are demonstrated in this case, such as recognizing roles and responsibilities and effectively managing conflict. However, there might have been challenges in maintaining a shared purpose due to the involvement of professionals from different institutions.
  5. Impact of Professionals Working in Different Institutions: While the involvement of professionals from different institutions allowed for a diverse range of expertise, it might have hindered the coordination and coherence of the treatment plan. Communication across different institutions could be challenging, potentially affecting the consistency and continuity of care.

Overall, the collaboration between professionals from different fields is crucial in addressing the multifaceted needs of a patient like Sammy. However, efforts to streamline communication and coordination among these professionals across institutions could significantly enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and improve outcomes for the patient.

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