Health Care Informatics-DAX-DL01 Deborah Crevecoeur

Writing Assignment Week 1

Writing Assignment Week 1

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The CMS considers patient engagement a quality metric for a learning healthcare system.

  • Patient engagement is a major focal point of stage 2 MU of HER.
  • Patient Engagement in Health and Health Care Framework by Carman et al. presents different forms and levels of patient engagement across the healthcare system.
  • Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care recognizes the vital role families play by providing emotional, social, and developmental support, ensuring the health and well-being of all family members
  • The Level of Engagement with Health Careframework considers the engagement, quality, and safety of mobile apps. Clinicians can identify trustworthy apps that serve the engagement of high-need, high-cost populations.

Consider content covered in chapter 5 concerning policy changes in the United States and the strategic plan needed to improve care and drive down cost through health information technology. Give at least 3 examples of an information technology policy change that has supported patient engagement.

Please note the grading rubric. The submission should be maximum 2 pages not counting the cover page and references.

4 current sources are used and are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest sources and popular literature and acknowledged as such if they are cited. All websites utilized are authoritative.

policy changes in the United States

  1. Meaningful Use (MU) Requirements for Electronic Health Records (EHR):
    • The MU program, established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), incentivizes healthcare providers to adopt and effectively use certified EHR technology.
    • Stage 2 MU specifically emphasizes patient engagement criteria, requiring providers to offer patients the ability to view online, download, and transmit their health information. This policy change directly supports patient engagement by empowering individuals to access their own health data and participate more actively in their care.
  2. Interoperability Standards and Health Information Exchange (HIE):
    • The promotion of interoperability standards and HIE initiatives has facilitated the seamless exchange of patient health information among different healthcare providers and systems.
    • By enabling the secure sharing of electronic health records across disparate systems, patients benefit from improved care coordination and access to their complete medical history regardless of where they seek treatment. This increased accessibility to health information enhances patient engagement and enables informed decision-making.
  3. Telehealth Expansion and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM):
    • Policy changes expanding reimbursement for telehealth services and RPM technologies have significantly enhanced patient engagement, particularly for individuals with chronic conditions or limited access to traditional healthcare settings.
    • Telehealth platforms enable patients to conveniently consult with healthcare providers, access educational resources, and engage in remote monitoring of their health status. This increased accessibility and convenience promote active involvement in self-care management and adherence to treatment plans, thereby improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

These examples illustrate how information technology policy changes have supported patient engagement by promoting access to health information, facilitating care coordination, and leveraging technology to enhance communication and remote monitoring capabilities. By aligning policy initiatives with the goal of empowering patients and fostering their active participation in healthcare decision-making, the healthcare system can achieve better outcomes and lower costs.

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