This week, discuss your thoughts related to elements to be included in a presentation to a prime influencer of legislation improving your social policy.

Here are some ideas to get you started. Choose one to respond to for the discussion this week.

  • What would you include in your presentation? How will you show the improvement you want? Would you use charts, graphs, and/or case studies?
  • Have you ever delivered a presentation like this in the past? How did you prepare and what was the outcome? What did you learn from the experience that you would apply to this presentation?
  • Could you perform your presentation for a mock audience who could provide feedback? What other preparations or avenues for feedback might help you to feel more prepared?
  • Explain what about this week’s concepts, resources, or activities is of most interest to you and your professional development. Offer some specific examples.

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prime influencer of legislation improving

This week, discuss your thoughts related to elements to be included in a presentation to a prime influencer of legislation improving your social policy.

Here are some ideas to get you started. Choose one to respond to for the discussion this week.

  • What would you include in your presentation? How will you show the improvement you want? Would you use charts, graphs, and/or case studies?
  • Have you ever delivered a presentation like this in the past? How did you prepare and what was the outcome? What did you learn from the experience that you would apply to this presentation?
  • Could you perform your presentation for a mock audience who could provide feedback? What other preparations or avenues for feedback might help you to feel more prepared?
  • Explain what about this week’s concepts, resources, or activities is of most interest to you and your professional development. Offer some specific examples.

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