To prepare: Consider the following statement: Reaction to NASW Statements

NASW encourages the adoption of laws that recognize inheritance, insurance, same-sex marriage, child custody, property, and other rights in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships. The Association firmly believes that all federal protections and responsibilities available to legally married people in the United States should be available to people who enter same sex unions (including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same sex marriages). Reaction to NASW Statements

Reaction to NASW Statements

Then, read or view the United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights by Hillary Clinton.

Clinton, H. (2011, December). Gay rights abroad. Speech delivered in recognition of International Human Rights Day, Geneva, Switzerland. Text posted with permission from the White House Office of Communications at

Xtra. (2012, March 13). Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s historic LGBT speech – full length – high definition. Retrieved from


By Day 7 of Week 7

Submit a 2-3 page reaction to this statement of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Describe what you think is the role of social workers in equal rights and access to LGBTQ populations., Next provide a detailed explanation of your reaction to the United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights. Then, explain why in the context of practicing social work in North America, it is important for us to acknowledge and address sexual orientation and gender diversity of marginalized populations across the world. Explain the role of social workers on an international level in relation to the rights of the LGBTQ community. Identify specific skills and actions you would employ as an advocate. Reaction to NASW Statements

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NASW encourages the adoption of laws that recognize inheritance, insurance, same-sex marriage, child custody, property, and other rights in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships. The Association firmly believes that all federal protections and responsibilities available to legally married people in the United States should be available to people who enter same sex unions (including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same sex marriages). Reaction to NASW Statements

Then, read or view the United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights by Hillary Clinton.

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