Submit your results for your data analysis. Include
Descriptive Statistics for the variables: Child Age, Youth Anxiety (mean, median, mode, range, variance, standard deviation, minimum, maximum)
Frequencies: Gender, School, Intervention Type
Histogram: Youth Anxiety
T-Test: Dependent variable: Youth Anxiety, Grouping by: Intervention Type (with effect size, descriptives, plots, assumptions (homogeneity, normality)), Hypothesis (NULL)
Interpret the T-test (was it significant or not) and effect size (weak, moderate, or strong)

Results for Data Analysis

Descriptive Statistics

Variables: Child Age, Youth Anxiety

  1. Child Age:
    • Mean:
    • Median:
    • Mode:
    • Range:
    • Variance:
    • Standard Deviation:
    • Minimum:
    • Maximum:
  2. Youth Anxiety:
    • Mean:
    • Median:
    • Mode:
    • Range:
    • Variance:
    • Standard Deviation:
    • Minimum:
    • Maximum:


Variables: Gender, School, Intervention Type

  1. Gender:
    • Frequency of Male:
    • Frequency of Female:
  2. School:
    • Frequency of School A:
    • Frequency of School B:
    • Frequency of School C:
  3. Intervention Type:
    • Frequency of Type 1:
    • Frequency of Type 2:
    • Frequency of Type 3:


Youth Anxiety

A histogram depicting the distribution of Youth Anxiety scores.


Dependent Variable: Youth Anxiety

Grouping by: Intervention Type

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in Youth Anxiety scores between different intervention types.


  1. Homogeneity of Variances:
    • Levene’s Test results: (indicate p-value)
  2. Normality:
    • Shapiro-Wilk Test results for each group: (indicate p-values)

T-Test Results:

  • t-value:
  • Degrees of Freedom (df):
  • p-value:
  • Effect Size (Cohen’s d):

Interpretation of T-Test:

  • Significance:
    • If the p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis, indicating a significant difference between the groups.
    • If the p-value is greater than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, indicating no significant difference between the groups.
  • Effect Size Interpretation:
    • Cohen’s d values:
      • 0.2: Small effect size
      • 0.5: Moderate effect size
      • 0.8: Large effect size

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