Listening Assignment

The purpose of a speech evaluation is to listen and analyze a speech.

You are to pick a speech uploaded online to listen to attentively. You make pick any speech you would like to listen. The speech should be a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 4 minutes. There is an form to fill out to help guide your listening. This form should be uploaded as well as an additional typed full page. The additional page will have your thoughts and analysis of the speech from you.

If you have a questions please contact me beforehand via email ( or send a message via Canvas.

This listening assignment is worth 100 points. I will grade based on the following:

1. Turning in the assignment on time

2. Selecting a speech in the correct time frame with link

3. Grammar and detailed

4. Your additional page (one solid page, maybe one and half to be safe)

should be typed 12 font, double spaced. 5. You should have the evaluation form and one additional typed page


If you have any concerns or questions regarding your grade contact me immediately. After three days I will no longer accept any complaints/concerns or make any grade alterations

speech evaluation

Listening Assignment

The purpose of a speech evaluation is to listen and analyze a speech.

You are to pick a speech uploaded online to listen to attentively. You make pick any speech you would like to listen. The speech should be a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 4 minutes. There is an form to fill out to help guide your listening. This form should be uploaded as well as an additional typed full page. The additional page will have your thoughts and analysis of the speech from you.

If you have a questions please contact me beforehand via email ( or send a message via Canvas.

This listening assignment is worth 100 points. I will grade based on the following:

1. Turning in the assignment on time

2. Selecting a speech in the correct time frame with link

3. Grammar and detailed

4. Your additional page (one solid page, maybe one and half to be safe)

should be typed 12 font, double spaced. 5. You should have the evaluation form and one additional typed page


If you have any concerns or questions regarding your grade contact me immediately. After three days I will no longer accept any complaints/concerns or make any grade alterations

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