1. Summarize conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and structural functionalism. Present one tangible example of each theory. (USLO 1.2)

2.Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are and their place in our society? (USLO 1.8)

symbolic interactionism and structural functionalism

1. Summarize conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and structural functionalism. Present one tangible example of each theory. (USLO 1.2)

2.Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are, and their place in our society? (USLO 1.8)

1. Summarize conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and structural functionalism. Present one tangible example of each theory. (USLO 1.2)

2.Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are, and their place in our society? (USLO 1.8)

1. Summarize conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and structural functionalism. Present one tangible example of each theory. (USLO 1.2)

2.Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are, and their place in our society? (USLO 1.8)

1. Summarize conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and structural functionalism. Present one tangible example of each theory. (USLO 1.2)

2.Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are, and their place in our society? (USLO 1.8)

1. Summarize conflict theory, . Present one tangible example of each theory. (USLO 1.2)

2.Discuss the social institution of marriage and family using any two of the three theoretical perspectives – functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interactionism. Which perspective fits your idea of what marriage and family are, and their place in our society? (USLO 1.8)

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