The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically. A term paper will be required for this course. There will be three (3) subjects for you
to choose from. You must choose from one of those topics for your term paper.

The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically
The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically – Information on term paper:
1) Must be a research paper 10-12 pages in length minimum-not including
2) Must be on one of the broad topics that I will post
3) Must include sources of information, footnotes and a bibliography
4) Must be your own original work

The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically
5) Is required to pass this course. If you do not submit a term paper, you will receive
an incomplete or possibly a failing grade for the course, if you submit an inadequate
term paper, you will receive an incomplete or possibly a failing grade.
6) The topics will be legal topics, so you can use caselaw, statute books, text books,
or any legal treatise or legal opinions that you can find on the subject. Be sure to use
proper citation form
7) You cannot use the textbook as a source.

The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically

The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically
Topic #1-The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically as it applies to Boards of Directors of
companies. You can research the liability of boards under the act, and how it has
changed director liability since it went into effect and how boards have changed since
the act went into effect.
Topic #2-Criminal liability of businesses or businesspeople-Write a term paper on a
criminal action of someone or some company who has committed a white collar crime
and has either pled guilty to it, or has been convicted of the crime in a trial. This has to
be a trial or incident that is timely and has occurred in the 21st century. Choose only
one defendant and make your paper detailed. Ex. Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme

The Sarbanes Oxley Act-specifically
Topic #3-An environmental accident for which a company was liable. It can also be a
deliberate environmental incident for which a company was liable. This must have also
occurred within this century. Be specific and detailed and pick one incident. Ex. BP gulf
oil spill

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