1.The variable that is the most difficult to evaluate objectively in a true experiment would be Extraneous variable. According to Cozby & Bates (2015), “It would be impossible to know whether participants that were participating in an aerobics class or those watching aerobics on video, would have a better mood due to what they were doing” (p.162). With extraneous variable there are so many other factors that come into play such as; does either room have more doors, air conditioning, heating, windows, ect. Those things actually can change the response of each group making the data collected unreliable. In an article I found regarding women who are pregnant and using cocaine, the study that was done took place over quite a few years. According to Richardson & Day (1999), “One of the issues that were identified was the failure to control adequately for extraneous variables” (p.234). The researchers realized that some of the studies were inadequate and that most of the time information was not interpreted correctly to the client or their providers. The lack of communication caused further issues and endangered some of those pregnancies. Since the study on prenatal cocaine exposure was performed over such a lengthy period of time it is hard to make sure that there will not be anything extraneous that would have an effect on the study. Without trying to eliminate those extraneous variables the study becomes compromised and the data does not appear to be as relevant as other studies.




Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2015). Methods in Behavioral Research (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


Richardson, G. A., & Day, N. L. (1999). Studies of prenatal cocaine exposure: Assessing the influence of extraneous variables. Journal of Drug Issues, 29(2), 225-236. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.contentproxy.phoenix.edu/docview/208833439?accountid=458


2.Independent variables are tested to see of the have an effect on the dependent variable, which is why the extraneous variables (not intentionally studied) are known to be undesirable variables, and sometimes they are difficult for the researcher to control (Cozby, 2015). As an example, since the extraneous variable is not a variable of interest, they may still influence an outcome of a research study or experiment.  According to Losen & Oyinalde (2014), the extraneous variable has its positives as it can be used to provide alternative explanations when coming to the experiments effects, but it must be controlled for and not take the place of the independent variable, which has to determine the actual effects. References:Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2015). Methods in Behavioral Research (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Losen, A., & Oyinalde, A.O (2014) Extraneous Effects of Race, Gender, and Race-Gender Homo- and Heterophily Conditions on Data Quality   4(1)   Directory of Open Access Journals DOI: 10.1177/2158244014525418


3.The variable that I think is most difficult to evaluate is the confounding variable.  In our reading from chapter four they talk in depth about the confounding variable. They explain the third variable that is hard to get a read on. According to Cozby & Bates (2015) the confounding variable is what we call the third when an uncontrolled one is operating. When a third variable is operating it can cause a huge problem since it can introduce an alternative explanation which can reduce the overall validity of the study (Cozby & Bates, 2015). If two variables are confounded they are so intertwined that you will not be able to determine which of the variables is operating in a situation (Cozby & Bates, 2015). The example they give is about how exercise can cause a reduction in anxiety but when they input income that can cause the third variable (Cozby & Bates, 2015). The third variable which can be extraneous to the two variables being studied. There can be any number of third variables that may be responsible a relationship between two variables (Cozby & Bates, 2015).



Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2015). Methods in Behavioral Research (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


4.The confounding variables  can be difficult to control by the researcher (Cozby & Bates, 2015). In fact, it is said that researchers do fail to control it, as to eliminate the underlying problems the human judgment is necessary. The confounding variable also makes it difficult to find a linkage between treatments and the outcomes. According to Brodt, Dettori, Skelly (2012), Confounding happens when the effects are mixed, where the confounding factors may provide false demonstrations which show to be apparently associated with the treatments and or outcomes, when in reality there is not an association. When coming to exposures in the medical field, treatment group observations, consideration is recommended when coming to the effect truly due to exposure or alternative explanations, there for appropriate methods have to be used for adjustments, where the human judgment is required.


Brodt, E., Dettori, J.R., Skelly, A.C. (2012) Assessing bias: the importance of considering confounding NCBI Retrieved from: https;//www.ncbi.mlh.nih.gov

Cozby, P. C., & Bates, S. C. (2015). Methods in Behavioral Research (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Variable Evaluation Feedback

  1. The first paragraph provides a good explanation of extraneous variables and their potential impact on the reliability of experimental data. The use of a real-world example involving prenatal cocaine exposure adds depth to the argument. However, the paragraph could be improved by providing more context on the significance of extraneous variables in experimental design and perhaps some strategies to control for them. Additionally, the reference citations are correctly formatted and support the information presented.
  2. The second paragraph effectively reinforces the concept of extraneous variables and their undesirability in research. It cites appropriate references to back up the information, which adds credibility to the argument. However, there are some grammatical issues and sentence structure problems that should be addressed for clarity and flow. Furthermore, it would be helpful to provide more examples or details on how researchers can control extraneous variables in their studies.
  3. The third paragraph focuses on confounding variables, but it does not provide a clear explanation of what they are until late in the paragraph. It would be better to introduce and define confounding variables at the beginning to give readers a clear understanding. The paragraph could also benefit from more specific examples and strategies for dealing with confounding variables. However, it correctly cites the source, which supports the information presented.
  4. The fourth paragraph discusses confounding variables but includes some grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. The explanation of confounding variables is somewhat convoluted and could be simplified for better comprehension. Additionally, it references a source but lacks a direct citation or publication details, making it difficult for readers to verify the information. Including a properly formatted reference would improve the paragraph’s credibility.

In summary, all four paragraphs contain valuable information about extraneous and confounding variables, but they could benefit from improved clarity, structure, and grammar. Additionally, providing more specific examples and strategies for controlling these variables would enhance the overall quality of the feedback.

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