When completing this   quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity?

Walden University’s Code of Conduct

Title: Upholding Academic Integrity: Complying with Walden University’s Code of Conduct


Maintaining academic integrity is a fundamental principle in higher education, ensuring that students are not only learning but also developing ethical values that will serve them throughout their lives. Walden University, a renowned institution known for its commitment to social change and academic excellence, places a strong emphasis on its Code of Conduct, which includes expectations for academic integrity. In this essay, we will explore the significance of upholding Walden University’s Code of Conduct, the expectations for academic integrity, and reflect upon our own compliance with these guidelines when completing a quiz.

Walden University’s Commitment to Academic Integrity

Walden University’s Code of Conduct is a comprehensive document that sets forth the ethical standards and expectations for students, faculty, and staff within the institution. Central to this code is the university’s commitment to academic integrity, a cornerstone of higher education that ensures that learning is based on honesty, trust, and accountability. Walden University recognizes that academic integrity is essential for the development of critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and personal growth. It also underscores the university’s dedication to producing graduates who can make a positive impact on society.

Expectations for Academic Integrity

Walden University’s expectations for academic integrity are articulated clearly to guide students in their academic pursuits. These expectations encompass a wide range of behaviors and actions, including but not limited to:

  1. Plagiarism: The university strictly prohibits plagiarism, which involves using someone else’s ideas, words, or work without proper citation. Students are expected to give credit to the original sources they use in their assignments and research.
  2. Cheating: Cheating in any form, whether it’s copying answers, using unauthorized materials, or collaborating with others without permission, is in direct violation of academic integrity standards.
  3. Fabrication: Falsifying information, data, or results in academic work is unacceptable. Students are expected to provide accurate and truthful representations of their research and findings.
  4. Unauthorized Assistance: Seeking or providing unauthorized assistance during exams, quizzes, or assignments undermines the learning process and violates academic integrity guidelines.
  5. Self-Plagiarism: Submitting the same work for multiple courses without proper disclosure is considered self-plagiarism, which is also prohibited.
  6. Ethical Conduct: Beyond academic work, students are expected to conduct themselves with honesty, integrity, and professionalism in all interactions within the Walden University community.

Personal Reflection on Compliance

When completing a quiz at Walden University, it is essential to self-reflect on one’s compliance with the university’s Code of Conduct and the expectations for academic integrity. To do so, consider the following questions:

  1. Did I complete the quiz independently, without seeking or receiving unauthorized assistance?
  2. Did I cite sources appropriately if I used any external materials or references while answering the quiz questions?
  3. Did I engage in honest and ethical behavior throughout the quiz, avoiding any form of cheating or fabrication?
  4. Did I respect the principles of academic integrity set forth by Walden University?
  5. Did I contribute to a culture of academic honesty and integrity within the university community?


Upholding academic integrity and complying with Walden University’s Code of Conduct is not merely a requirement; it is a fundamental aspect of the educational journey. It cultivates the values of honesty, trust, and accountability that are essential for personal and professional growth. Reflecting upon one’s adherence to these principles when completing quizzes or any other academic tasks is a crucial step in becoming an ethical scholar and a responsible member of the Walden University community. By embracing these values, students not only demonstrate their commitment to academic excellence but also contribute to the university’s mission of effecting positive social change through education.

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