Topic:  Will female deer urine attract male deer?


Complete the following using the topic above

  • Hypothesis
  • Design am experiment
  • Experimental Group
    • Description
    • Independent Variable
    • Dependent Variable
  • Control Group
    • Description
    • Identify Constant Variable for both groups
  • Sample data or graphs based on the scenario
  • Draw a conclusion

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Will female deer urine attract male deer


Female deer urine will attract male deer more effectively than a control scent.

Experimental Design

To test the hypothesis, an experiment will be conducted where female deer urine is used as an attractant to observe its effect on male deer behavior.

Experimental Group

  • Description: This group will involve areas where female deer urine is applied as an attractant. The focus will be on the behavior of male deer in response to the scent.
  • Independent Variable: The application of female deer urine in a specific area.
  • Dependent Variable: The number of male deer that approach or are attracted to the area with the female deer urine.

Control Group

  • Description: This group will involve areas where no scent (or a neutral scent, such as water) is applied. The behavior of male deer in these areas will be observed and compared to the experimental group.
  • Identify Constant Variable for Both Groups: The location, time of day, weather conditions, and amount of scent (female deer urine or control) applied will be kept constant across both the experimental and control groups.

Sample Data or Graphs Based on the Scenario

Here’s a hypothetical data set for a week-long experiment:

Day Experimental Group (Female Deer Urine) Control Group (No Scent)
1 10 male deer 2 male deer
2 12 male deer 3 male deer
3 15 male deer 4 male deer
4 13 male deer 3 male deer
5 17 male deer 2 male deer
6 16 male deer 4 male deer
7 18 male deer 3 male deer

Draw a Conclusion

Based on the sample data, it can be concluded that the female deer urine significantly attracted more male deer compared to the control group with no scent. This supports the hypothesis that female deer urine is an effective attractant for male deer.

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